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AMUSF Stage One Wednesdays

Sep 2024 - July 2025

About the course

AMUSF Stage One - runs on Wednesdays from Sept 2024. During Stage One of the AMUSF course students will develop their practical skills, gaining knowledge and experience in the manipulation of a variety of materials and processes, within the context of a series of individual set exercises and/or assessment projects. These are: Drop-in seat (modern materials) Drop-in seat (traditional materials including fabric and bottoming cloth) Stitched and stuffed footstool or chair (traditional materials and methods including fabric and bottoming cloth) Sprung dining chair (traditional materials and methods including fabric and bottoming cloth) Sprung arm exercise for an inset facing (traditional materials and methods. Calico to be stitched under the roll. Fabric need not to be applied) Box cushion with piping and zip (sample) Bolster end with piping (sample) Scatter cushion with piping and zip Modern upholstered and lined box with decorative detail and deep-buttoned lid (modern materials, with a minimum of three diamonds) Portfolio containing notes and details of work in progress Written research project: Fabric characteristics, identification and appropriate usage

Started 18 SeptTraditional Upholstery School

Contact Details

  • East Lane, Holt, Trowbridge, Wiltshire BA14 6QU, UK

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